We use REDCap to host our electronic case report forms (CRFs): RedCap CRF.
Our step by step guide to completing the GenOMICC case report forms on REDCap is here:
We don’t need paper copies of the case repot forms to be stored for participants, but we’ve made a pdf. available if useful:
Any data queries are emailed monthly to everyone we have registered as a ‘data check recipient’ at their recruiting location.
If a mistake is made when adding a new GCC ID to REDCap, let us know what the correct ID number should be and we can fix this for you. You don’t need to add a new record.
Contact the genOMICC study team to request REDCap access. We can only grant access to people authorised to work on GenOMICC in their area and who have a NHS email account.
Contact us and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Contact GenOMICC team