Entry criteria

Who do I recruit?

Please aim to recruit from every eligible group detailed below

We realise you may not be able to recruit every eligible patient so if you do need to prioritise, please start with the youngest patients who are ventilated in your ICU.

If you have time and capacity, we also include a broader range of patients in critical care:

Recruitment poster

We have a poster that can be displayed in staff areas summarising patient eligibility - Staff poster

We would be very happy to localise, laminate and send some copies to you. Just Let us know.

Entry criteria

The entry criteria below are approved for use in the UK:

23 October 2024 v5.0

Patients will be recruited who:

Critical illness caused by any confirmed or suspected infection


Common non-infectious critical illness syndromes:

Rare non-infectious critical illness syndromes:

Confirmed or suspected presence of an emerging critical illness syndrome, such as:

Non-infectious critical illness syndromes in children or babies:

Organ Support

Examples of eligible organ support include, but are not limited to:

Exclusion Criteria

The following participants are not eligible for participation in any part of the GenOMICC study: